sliter som ett djur för att det inte ska synas på utsidan!

ville bara nårga väl å vad fick man tillbaka, inte ett skit..bara massa skitsnack å bråk!
fitta ta denna skit! vill ha dig tillbaka, saknar dig grymt men det är nog försent nu...
do not understand
this .. you say one thing fixed mean reachedquite different, it feels like, want you back and all that was before!what you write all the time, it is not, get so sad when I see it! it isyou that is holding me down! do not know what has happened!miss you so terribly much, it does really hurt me, is every night on the shed a tear for you! do not know how to do this, I feel likeeverything is hopeless now, is no help, just due to the input of certain things! get so tired of it, what you see on the outside is just a shell, but deep inside it is a hell, I tell you! nothing will be the same: (but I hope so!
Gunvald I love you, you will do just as you are, what you said the other day it was pure crap talk from me! was so terribly sad whenyou said that! know it's dummt take on this but must.
can not go and carry this anymore! now enough is enough .. damnit, all full of shit on it said things that are totally unimportant, evenyou! hope you understand me right, but think it's so ridiculous! just want you back! My wish is that everything is as before, but it can be..
väck mig när detta är över! orkar inte mer nu.

Postat av: larkaaa


du vet att jag finns i alla väder! puss på dig ! <3

2011-05-29 @ 17:38:17

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